Friday, February 28, 2014

Welcome to the Red Room blog!

Welcome to the Red Room blog!! We are very excited to have our classroom complete with the addition of myself, Teri, and a growing class size with new enrollments & children transitioning from the Green Room.

We are starting a new month and our current theme for a while is going to be "Insects and Plants" and is going to be filled with some great activities that will allow the children to be creative, learn about various plants/flowers and grass, and even add some "class pets" to the room.

We will be doing a lot of sensory activities and some great group activities as well as some individual projects that they can feel proud of. We have a lot of independent little ones and we will continue to help them grow in this area by encouraging and recognizing their success.

Our classroom is filled with curious minds that want to explore and learn about so much. This excites us and keeps us on our toes, making sure we have interesting and fun filled learning opportunities each day during free play, activity time and circle time . We also enjoy being able to have some one-on-one time with each child and make sure they all know how important and loved they are and how proud we are of them as they learn new things and become more independent!!

I hope you all enjoy the posts that will be coming in this next month and beyond. Here are some various moments from February that show the children during various activities including free play and our fabulous Valentines Day party that was a huge success.Tthanks to all the parents who sent goodies for the class and dressed your child in red! Thank you also, parents, for being patient and understanding during the changes the Red Room went through in the first part of this year. We appreciate you all so very much and are honored to have you in our class!


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